Trauma Release Yoga

When we are recovering from trauma, yoga can be beneficial and provide support. For healing a trauma wound, a safe and calm environment is of great importance.

Trauma embeds itself in our bodies and sometimes has an unseen impact on our system. Through a specific structure and sequence of exercises, we can identify and attempt to remove these blockages in the body. This allows life energy to flow through again and calms the nervous system.

During this yoga class, you can expect targeted breathing exercises and physical movement under guidance, but you always choose what feels right at that moment. It involves voluntarily tensing and relaxing body parts, combined with gentle breathing work. By moving slowly, attentively, and repeatedly in the same motion, we awaken the 'dormant' areas in our bodies. 

In this class, we learn how to release tension and recognise sensations. Gradually, we may encounter our emotions within our own boundaries. By experiencing our bodies fully, our awareness will increase, enabling us to create a sense of safety for ourselves and thus support our self-healing ability. 

Expect a combination of somatic movement exercises, gentle yin yoga, and soft breathing work. The class always takes place in a select and trusted circle to ensure a sense of safety.

Do you doubt whether this class could be something for you?

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Trauma Release Yoga

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